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When I see my country
Strife ridden, torn, her people,
My brothers and sisters
Tearing at each other’s throats,
I weep.

When I see corruption
Rampant, often men of little
Value rule, ruining
My beloved country.
I weep.

When I see values lost,
Quality degraded,
Mammon rule supreme,
All else considered dust,
I weep.

When I see education,
Our hope of redemption,
Being sold in the market place,
In the form of false degrees,
I weep.

When I see religion,
Being used and misused,
To create a rift,
Among our people,
I weep.

When I see holy places,
Used for unholy purposes,
Their sanctity ruined,
Used as arsenals or worse,
I weep.

India, my beloved India,
What are we doing to you?
When will we restore
You back to your glory?

Known as the land
Of peace and tolerance,
These virtues are now
Lost, forgotten, disregarded.

Where is the voice of sanity?
The voice of moderation?
Lost to the people in the
Roar of sectarianism.

Let us awake, good Indians,
We have slumbered
Too long, rescue our
Mother from the unworthy ones.

From Glimpses of an Indian Soul