The Wayback Machine -

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Our philosophy

In the internet age we have been asked “is the printed word relevant anymore?” To which our response is a vehement yes! There are some things that must be read off a piece of paper and aren’t meant to be read off a computer screen. We ask you “Would your soul sing reading Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat or Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali off a computer monitor while hunching over a keyboard? Or would you enjoy their work reading it in book form while sitting in front of the fire place on a cold winter night?”

At Thought Sanctuary we see ourselves in the Intellectual Property (IP) delivery business. We see IP being delivered through various channels such as print , DRM protected electronic channels, non DRM protected electronic channels , etc.

Our strength lies in our ability to identify the appropriate channel for a given piece of Intellectual Property.

The channels and platforms we currently support are

  • Print
  • Google eBooks
  • Amazon Kindle
  • in-person knowledge transfer